ISP Proxies Explained: What It Is, How It Works, and Everything You Need to Know

Khaled Bentoumi
Reviewed By
August 19, 2024
12 min read

Helpful summary

  • Overview: We provide an in-depth analysis of ISP proxies - what they are, how they work, when to use them, and best practices to consider when choosing an ISP proxy provider.
  • Why you can trust us: We offer premium mobile and residential proxies to businesses and individuals globally, so we have a deep understanding and direct experience in the proxy service industry.
  • Why this is important: Understanding ISP proxies is crucial for businesses that aim to navigate the Internet securely and efficiently for web scraping and data collection without risking IP bans.
  • Action points: When researching and comparing different ISP proxy providers, focus on factors like reliability, speed, location coverage, and IP pool diversity.
  • Further research: Check out the anyIP blog for web scraping help and understanding proxies.

Wondering What ISP Proxies Are?

Imagine you’re a business owner looking to collect data from various websites for market research or lead generation. You’ve invested in web scraping tools and have a team ready to go, but suddenly, you hit a roadblock - IP bans.

This is one scenario (of many) where an ISP proxy would come in handy.

But what exactly are ISP proxies and how do they work? This anyIP article takes a deep dive into the world of ISP proxies to answer those very questions. So, stick around to learn more about finding, choosing, and using ISP proxies!

Why listen to us?

anyIP is a go-to platform for residential and mobile proxies.

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As one of the best proxy services, we deeply understand the different types of proxies available and their uses. Our team of experts has years of experience in the proxy industry and is dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information to our readers.

Now, let’s jump into the world of ISP proxies!

What Are ISP Proxies?

ISP proxies are similar to residential proxies because they both route your traffic through an IP address provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

However, ISP proxies have a slightly different setup. Instead of using the home internet connection of a residential user, ISP proxies use dedicated servers or cloud-based infrastructure provided by the ISP.

In other words, an ISP proxy routes your traffic through a data center rather than a home network.

How Do ISP Proxies Work?

Now, let’s get a bit more technical - how exactly do ISP proxies work?

When you use an ISP proxy, your traffic is routed through a server or cloud-based infrastructure provided by the ISP. This means that your requests appear to be coming from a different IP address than your own.

diagram of how ISP proxies works

Here’s a breakdown of the flow of information when using an ISP proxy:

  1. Request: The user makes a request to access a website or online service.
  2. Route: The request is then routed through the ISP proxy server, which changes the IP address and adds an extra layer of anonymity. The modified request is then sent to the website or online service.
  3. Return: The response from the website or online service is received by the ISP proxy server and then forwarded to the user, keeping their actual IP address hidden.

What Are the Differences Between ISP, Residential, and Datacenter Proxies?

Another common question we get is about the different types of proxies available. There are quite a few, but three of the most common are ISP, residential, and data center proxies. Each type has its own advantages and use cases.

Here’s an overview:

  • ISP Proxies: ISP (Internet Service Provider) proxies are provided by an actual internet service provider. This means they come from a real physical location and have a legitimate IP address. They are typically used for large-scale web scraping or ad verification.
  • Residential Proxies: Residential proxies also come from real physical locations but instead of being tied to an ISP, they are provided by individuals using their personal devices as proxy servers. These types of proxies offer more anonymity.
  • Datacenter Proxies: Datacenter proxies are not tied to a physical location but come from servers hosted by data centers. They offer the highest speed and stability, making them ideal for tasks requiring large amounts of data to be gathered or accessed quickly.

Pros & Cons of ISP Proxies

Pros of ISP Proxies

  • Residential-Looking IPs: Since the IPs used by ISP proxies are legitimate, they can appear more natural and less suspicious compared to other proxy types. This leads to fewer blocks and better success rates for tasks such as web scraping or accessing restricted content.
  • Stable Static IP: ISP proxies provide a single, static IP for a long period of time. This is perfect for tasks requiring a steady identity, whether that’s web scraping, managing different social media accounts, or accessing geo-blocked content.
  • High Speed and Reliability: ISP proxies are faster and more reliable than residential proxies because they are hosted in data centers and don’t rely on residential internet connections (which we all know can be spotty sometimes).
  • IP Rotation Options: Some ISP proxy services offer IP rotation. This means that you can switch between different IPs to avoid getting blocked or banned by websites - especially useful for web scraping or social media management.
  • Unlimited Bandwidth: Unlike residential proxies that charge for data used, ISP proxies usually offer unlimited bandwidth. They don’t charge per gigabyte, making them cheaper jobs like web scraping.

Cons of ISP Proxies

  • ISP Proxy History: Due to how ISP proxies work, assigned IP addresses will likely have had a previous owner. If the previous owners engaged in spammy or abusive online behavior, the IP’s “fraud score” could be high (there is a greater risk of fraud). Therefore, there is a chance that your website requests will be blocked.
  • IP Detection Possibility: ISP proxies look like residential IPs, so they’re less likely to be spotted than data center proxies. However, since they are static and use the same IP often, they may still be noticed by websites with anti-proxy solid tools.
  • Fewer Subnets: Although ISP proxies have many IPs, they often have fewer subnets than residential proxies. This means that if one IP address gets blocked, it may affect multiple IP addresses within the same subnet.
  • IP Pool Limitations: Obtaining these IPs involves agreements and compliance with ISPs. This limits the number of available addresses. ISPs only give out so many IPs for proxy use, leading to fewer IP choices.

Use Cases of ISP Proxies

  • Web Scraping: Thanks to their residential appearance, ISP proxies are ideal for scraping data from websites with anti-scraping measures, as they’re less likely to be blocked.
  • Market Research: Marketers and analysts can utilize IP proxies for in-depth research on competitor’s websites, marketing tactics, and customer experiences.
  • Brand Protection: ISP proxies enable businesses to monitor and safeguard their brand’s online presence and intellectual property without revealing their identity.
  • Counterfeit Detection: They can be used to check e-commerce sites and online markets for fake products. Proxies let you avoid IP-based restrictions or bans for a full search without tipping off counterfeiters.
  • Ad Verification: ISP proxies let brands check whether their ads show correctly across different regions and platforms. This involves checking for ad fraud, where ads are displayed on inappropriate sites or not shown at all, which can harm the brand’s image.
  • Competitors Analysis: Businesses can use ISP proxies to check competitor’s websites for product information anonymously.
  • SEO Monitoring: SEO specialists leverage ISP proxies to track search engine rankings and results from different locations.
  • Social Media Management: Managing multiple social media accounts without triggering security algorithms that detect and block suspicious activity is done effectively with ISP proxies.

Best Practices for Choosing the Right ISP Proxy Provider

1. Consider the Intended Use of the Proxy

Different providers may specialize in proxies that cater to specific uses.

For example, at anyIP, we specialize in providing high-quality mobile and residential proxies for data gathering, market research, ad verificatio, and more. Our features are designed to give you an edge in your online activities, like rotating IPs to prevent blocks and precise geo-targeting for location-specific results.

2. Ensure the Ethical Acquisition of IPs

Choosing a provider that gets their IP addresses ethically is essential since the success of your proxy requests can significantly depend on the reputation of the IP addresses provided by the vendor. If an IP has a bad reputation, it can lead to a higher chance of being blocked or flagged.

At anyIP, we have a strict policy against using unauthorized or illegal methods for acquiring IP addresses. We work with trusted partners who comply with all necessary regulations and guidelines to ensure that our proxies are ethically obtained - and we double-check them ourselves.

3. Match Features to Needs

Proxy services can offer a wide range of different features - or they can be bare-bones tools for masking your IP address. Look for features that align with your use cases, like IP rotation, geotargeting, location filtering, multiple authentication methods, and easy-to-use proxy management tools.

Our management tools are designed to give you control and flexibility of your proxy usage. You can switch between countries and proxies and generally tailor the service to fit your unique needs.

4. Speed and Stability

Speed and stability are two of the most important factors to look for when choosing a proxy provider. If your proxies are constantly disconnecting or lagging, whatever task you’re using them for is going to drag on longer than necessary.

Statistics and features offered by

You should be able to find some information about a provider’s speed and stability - for example, we proudly advertise our average 98.6% success rate and 0.60second response time right on our homepage.

5. Location and Types of ISP Proxies

The proxy’s location affects connection speed, so closer proxies offer faster connections. Also, understand the types of ISP proxies available to choose which one suits your needs.

At anyIP we provide the following proxies:

You can also create unlimited proxies under any of our plans and buy proxies in over 60+ cryptocurrency payments for no VAT, reduced fees, and increased privacy (click here to learn more). Additionally, we offer mobile and residential proxies in over 38 countries, including the US, Germany, the UK, France, India, Thailand, and Indonesia.

6. Quality of Support

Finally, opt for a provider offering top-notch customer support. Issues can arise, and having a responsive and knowledgeable support team ready to assist you is invaluable. Verify whether the provider offers 24/7 service to address technical problems promptly.

Common ISP Proxies Questions Answered

Here are some quick answers to other common ISP proxy questions.

What is a proxy service? A proxy service is a software, server, or group of servers that acts as a gateway to a network of datacenter, residential, or mobile proxies.
What are datacenter proxies? A datacenter proxy is a machine-generated IP address served by a data center server.
What is a residential proxy? A residential proxy is assigned from an ISP to a user.
What is a mobile proxy? A mobile proxy is a 3G/4G connection assigned from a mobile carrier to a user.
How do residential proxies work? Residential proxies connect to a real-user IP with all the real device's characteristics.
How do mobile proxies work? Mobile proxies work by routing your internet traffic through a mobile device on a cellular network.
The device gets an IP address from the network that often changes as the device connects to different towers or when the network dynamically reallocates IP addresses.
Using a mobile proxy makes your web request seem like it’s coming from a mobile user.
Scale/Pool Size
  • Static: Static IPs are IP addresses that do not change over time. They remain the same for every session.
  • Sticky: Sticky IPs are IP addresses that remain the same for a specified duration during a session.
  • Rotating: Rotating IPs change frequently with each new request or after a short time.
What is a proxy server? A proxy server is a middleman linking your device to a server. All requests sent are routed through the server before reaching the target side.
Is a proxy server necessary? Yes, proxy servers are necessary when you require an IP address from a different geo-location.
Are proxies safe to use? Proxies can be safe to use, but their safety largely depends on the type of proxy, its configuration, and the provider’s trustworthiness.
Do proxies provide complete security? Proxies can provide a level of security by hiding your IP address, but they don’t encrypt your data.
Do some proxy servers log your browsing data? Some proxy servers log your browsing data, which could be traced back to you. It's important to use a reputable proxy provider.


ISP proxies are key for digital marketers.

They offer speed, reliability, and anonymity that can significantly enhance your online marketing efforts. By understanding and utilizing ISP proxies, you can perform web scraping, manage accounts, access restricted content, and perform competitor analysis without the risk of detection or IP bans.

But it’s important to realize that ISP proxies aren't the only kind available. At anyIP, we offer fast, reliable mobile and residential proxies at rates that makes them affordable enough for taste like web scraping, ad verification, and more.

If you’re looking for a dependable proxy provider, sign up for your AnyIP account today.

Khaled Bentoumi

Khaled is a software engineer. He’s been involved in many startups of different sizes. Previously, he founded Data to Page, an AI Programmatic SEO startup. He now handles all the marketing at anyIP.

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Article by
Khaled Bentoumi

Khaled is a software engineer. He’s been involved in many startups of different sizes. Previously, he founded Data to Page, an AI Programmatic SEO startup. He now handles all the marketing at anyIP.

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