How to configure proxy on iPhone/iPad

Khaled Bentoumi

Reviewed By

May 24, 2024
12 min read

Have you ever wanted to configure a proxy on your iPhone, but you don’t know how? You’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to configure an HTTP proxy on your favorite phone natively and easily.

đź’ˇ To follow this tutorial, you need a few requirements:

  • A proxy account. You can get one at
  • Your proxy credentials:
    • username/password;
    • proxy server infos (URL or IP + port) ;
  • Your Apple device

What’s a proxy?

A proxy server acts as a middleman between your iPhone and the websites/applications you access.

There are many advantages of using a proxy, such as:

  • hide your identity
  • better security
  • no more restrictions
  • and more, please read our article to learn more about HTTP-HTTPS proxies

How do I set up the proxy?

Apple haters can't deny it. iOS makes everyone's life easy, and the same goes for adding a proxy. It’s really straightforward so buckle up! This is going to be fast!

Step 1: Access the configure proxy menu

Configuring a proxy on your iPhone (or iPad) is simple and quick.

How to access settings on an iPhone
  1. First, you need to open the setting
Screenshot showing how to access the wifi settings on iPhone
Screenshot showing how to access a wifi network advance settings on iPhone
Screenshot showing the wifi network advance settings on iPhone
Screenshot showing how to access the proxy configuration on a wifi network on iPhone
  1. Open the wifi settings
  2. Click on the “i” icon next to the wifi network you’re using
  3. Scroll down to the bottom
  4. Then open the “Configure Proxy”

Step 2: Configure the proxy

This screenshot shows how to configure a proxy on iOS (iPhone and iPad).

You can now configure the proxy using your credential.

  1. Select “Manual”
  2. Add all your proxy information:
    • The proxy server. For our example, we use: “”
    • The proxy port. use the port “1080”
    • You need to turn “Authentication” on and copy/paste the username and password
  3. Click on “Save” to save the proxy.

And “Cut” ! That a wrap ! 5min max and you can now enjoy your proxy!
You can open Safari (or any other browser) to check if the proxy is well connected.
Keep following the guide for more advice.

Step 3: Check the connection

Visit to confirm that you are now connected to the proxy and can enjoy a secure and anonymous connection.

This screenshot shows your IP using on iOS (iPhone and iPad).

đź’ˇ Bear in mind that the HTTP/HTTPS proxy is used by the browsers but may not be used by other apps.

How to turn off the proxy

This screenshot shows how to turn off a proxy on iOS (iPhone and iPad).

Turning the proxy is off is even easier. Simply select “Off” (1) on the configuration screen then valide by clicking on “Save” (2) and you’ll be back on use you own connection.
Select “Manual” to reactivate the proxy back.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While it’s easy a proxy is easy to configure, you may face few annoying issue. Don’t worry too much, because most of the time they are not hard to fix.

Your proxy is not connecting?

You’ll be surprise to know that most of the time, when your proxy is not connecting, it’s because of a wrong credential. Always take the time to double-check your username/password and URL:port.

Connection refused or server not responding

If you entered your credentials correctly, you need to contact your proxy provider for help. Or, just to check if their system is live.

When using, you can easily check our system uptime in real-time by following this link :

Get a proxy now with

Create your account in less than 5 min on anyIP.Io to enjoy a high-quality proxy.

Our 24/7 support team will be available to answer all your questions and help you configure your proxy.


Khaled Bentoumi

Khaled is a software engineer. He’s been involved in many startups of different sizes. Previously, he founded Data to Page, an AI Programmatic SEO startup. He now handles all the marketing at anyIP.

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Article by
Khaled Bentoumi

Khaled is a software engineer. He’s been involved in many startups of different sizes. Previously, he founded Data to Page, an AI Programmatic SEO startup. He now handles all the marketing at anyIP.

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