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Sessions are crucial features that could unlock superpowers for some of your scenarios.

By default, our proxy will rotate your IP address upon each request; use sessions to change that behavior.

If you’d like to ensure that all the requests on a website will keep the same IP, you can set a session name such as : user_XXXX,session_twitter1. Our proxy server will automatically freeze that IP for you and name it twitter1.

Why would you name sessions? Because you can specify as many concurrent sessions, which means, if you’d like to jump back and forth between different IPs, anyIP offers you that possibility.

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,session_twitter1:[email protected]:1080"

If you’d like to use the same IP (if available), you’ll get the same IP by specifying the same session name.

Duration of a session

You can make a session shorter, for instance, by providing sesstime_10 to your username, which would set the session duration to 10 minutes.

You can provide and choose a value from 1 to 10,080 minutes.

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,session_twitter2,sesstime_10:[email protected]:1080"

After 10 minutes, the session would expire, and then a new session would be created from a different IP picked from our pool.

Do not auto-replace the IP when it disconnects

We don’t have control over IP disconnections. You may be using a session, and the IP decides to disconnect.

If that IP is unavailable, we’ll automatically re-attribute you a new one; unless you specify the flag sessreplace_false, the proxy will return you the error message peer_not_found.

That might be helpful if you want to keep a unique IP for a session.

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,session_twitter2,sesstime_10,sessreplace_false:[email protected]:1080"

Avoid IP Collision

Sessions are commonly used with browsers like MultiLogin, Dolphin, and GoLogin. This software allows you to manage your sessions easily.

Let’s say you are managing different Facebook Ads accounts for various clients.

You don’t want the same IP to be used across different Facebook accounts.

anyIp can help you with that; whenever you use the flag sessipcollision_strict, to create a new session, anyIP ensures you won’t get the same IP across different session names.

Same ASN

Whenever an IP disconnects abruptly, anyip’s intelligence will try to find the closest IP that matches the previous IP.

It will be based on these criteria:

  • ASN: if the same ASN is available, anyIP will pick it
  • Country or pool: the same country or pool will be matched if they’ve been specified.
  • GPS location: will geographically pick the closest peer from the previous one

If you want to ensure the same ASN will replace the previous peer, please add the flag sessasn_strict to your username.

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,session_twitter3,sessasn_strict:[email protected]:1080"

Mobile IPs can sometimes change as the phone changes antenna or gets assigned a new IP. When it changes, we set an IP from the same area and ISP.

With a sticky session, the IP is assigned to you as long as it’s available. Still, when the IP disconnects, we transfer you an IP in the same city with the same ISP, so it’s completely undetectable and doesn’t raise any flag.

This is the usual behavior you would get if you use your 4G internet connection from your phone; your IP naturally changes throughout the day but stays in the same region with the same ISP.

You can easily rotate your IP address by using our change IP URL (rotation link).
You will find the link on your dashboard under the “Proxy credentials” section.

Screenshot showing where to find the change IP URL

This feature can be used in different ways, such as:

  • clicking the button available from the dashboard;
  • accessing the URL directly using your web browser;
  • calling this URL from a script/terminal;
  • setting it up on the software you’re using;

Here is a quick example using the [session_name] set to “twitter3


Terminal window

Your rotation link need to refer to your session name, it will look like this:

Change IP URL:

Terminal window[proxy_id]/invalidate/[hash]/session/twitter3