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Country selection

Anyip provides the possibility to choose a country right from your proxy username.

How to select the country

Most software requires you to specify a username when you use a proxy. From your anyIP dashboard, you can get your anyIP username which should start with user_XXXX

Add country_US to your username to specify the country of the United States.

You could combine flags that anyIP offers to use multiple features. Still, you must separate them with a separator , (comma).

So your username will result in user_XXXX,country_US, and our proxy will recognize that you’d like an IP from the USA, which will attribute you to the correct IP.

Here is the complete cURL command that you can execute from your Terminal:

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,country_US:[email protected]:1080"

Remember to replace XXXX with the username that you can find from your dashboard. Also, YOUR_PASSWORD needs to be replaced with the password you’ve set.

How to select an Internet Provider (ASN)

If you’d like to get an IP that matches a specific provider, you can add the ASN number tied to that provider.

For example, I want to choose T-Mobile USA, which is an ASN 21928. You’d need to specify it such as user_XXXX,asn_21928

Here is the complete cURL command:

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,asn_21928:[email protected]:1080"

How to select a region via GPS coordinates

Sometimes, you want to be extra precise and get as close as a specific location.

With the help of this site you can easily find the coordinates you need.

Let’s choose New York by specifying the latitude (lat) and the longitude (lon):


Here is the cURL example:

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,lat_40.7128,lon_-74.006:[email protected]:1080"

Let’s now say you’d like to be in Paris, France, the username should look like:


Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,lat_48.8323,lon_2.4075:[email protected]:1080"

And Voilà!

Predefined Pools

Some pools have been predefined by us, allowing you to get an IP that matches specific criteria.

Pool “western”

The pool western will take an IP from one of this list:

To use this list, user_XXXX,pool_western must be included in your username.

Terminal window
curl -v --proxy "http://user_XXXX,pool_western:[email protected]:1080"